A little Update on me

I’ve made it !

I’m a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach & Certified Digestive Health Coach !!

I joined the course at @transformationalnutrition last year April and it took me longer than I wanted (which is not a surprise as a MG who likes doing multiple things at the same time 😅 )
but I’m proud I’ve finished the programs !

I’ve always been interested in health and nutrition first bec I love eating and enjoy wholesome choices, second bec I have been kind of forced to take care of my health since I was 18 years old.

Also coaching has been something I’ve been interested in earlier but I never felt “good enough” to do it (who am I to coach others?? Aka negative talks) until I saw a very inspiring interview of the founder of the institute @iamcynthiagarcia by this amazing YouTube Channel @womenofimpact - and I started to dare to follow my intuition and my dream of finding a fulfilling remote profession where I can encourage others to thrive as well.

I’m certainly not the most studious person, trust me, however it was their holistic approach towards nutrition and health what made me take this program.

It wasn’t easy for me to finish it but I am grateful that I had the resources to join their program and also for the new friendships and connections I’ve made throughout the course.

Thankfully we are not obligated to follow exactly their concept but rather encourages to find your own unique niche. During the process of studying it I was going through some challenging period myself in life, which made me realise how I want to show up as a coach and how I can be more of a service.

I want to share my stories and tools that have helped me to grow and thrive more and more, and inspire people around the globe to connect with themselves through empowering Self Care and dancing Latin Dance authentically.

This is how I came up with the name DANCE & SELF CARE COACH.

I am just at the starting point of my new journey as a coach and I’m sure I will go through some transformation myself and I’m excited to keep sharing my stories with you.

Stay tuned for my further adventures coming up !

Your Dance & Self Care Coach ✨

Kuriko La JapoMana

Photo by S. B.
Copyright Kuriko La JapoMana


Cultural Appropriation ?
